Lessons With Barb Tracy

Series of 4

Individual lesson

Spring tune up
$250 for 2 weeks

Travel lesson
$250 / 4 + gas

Horse Evaluation Lesson

Full Training
$500 / month

Lessons do not have a set time limit however private lesson typically run half an hour, groups run an hour.
We also encourage students to assist in the tacking up and un-tacking process.

LESSONS WITH Student Instructor

Series of 4

Late Payments

Payment for lessons must be received by the start of the first lesson in the series. A $20 late fee will be charged if not received by the end of the first lesson in the series.


We are currently have no stalls available for boarding

Full board $550 / month. Includes 11 × 11 stall, daily stall cleaning, large tack locker, twice daily feeding, daily group or individual turnout, blanket checks and daily overall health check. We will fly spray before turnout if spray is provided. 

Please contact us for more information or to schedule a barn tour.


Leasers are responsible for ½ cost of veterinary care or anything required for showing

$450 / month (shod), $420 / month (barefoot)

Half Lease Option 1 $425 / month shod horse. $400 / month barefoot horse
1 lesson and 3 hacks per week

Half Lease Option 2 $425 / month shod horse. $500 / month barefoot horse
2 lessons and 1 hack per week

Rider is responsible for any extra needs for showing (fly spray, liniment, supplements and vet care needed for showing)


Coaching at Show
$75 / day

Stall setup / horse care
$40 / day

Training ride at show

Shallow Hill team fee

$80 roundtrip + fuel charge

Show Lunging Fee

IEA team fee

Other Services

Full $400 / month
Half $180 / month

Seller Fee
10% of purchase price

Horse Finders Fee
10% of purchase price

New boarders must pay first and last month’s board at time of signing boarding contract.

Riders must be in consistent lessons as weather permits to be eligible for a half lease